bought the x'mas tree yesterday and decorated it together with son in the afternoon, while we loudly sang with the X'mas toppers. then we went to the school x'mas play in the evening. woke up this morning and immediatly I recognized the silence of a good snow deck (yes... snow makes the world silent!). I opened the curtains and YES YES YES... how much more x'mas can it get?
on my slippers trying to catch some of the fairy-tale atmosphere (which is a mission impossible for me at 7.30 in the morning when it is freezing cold.
son was doing better, he was dressed in 2 minutes and made 2 snowmen before he went to school's x'mas breakfast. it is a pity there is no picture of those two snowguys but I loved the action at 7.30......
It really DOES look like Christmas at your place. My kids still think snow is a bit of white fluff found beside a road in Tasmania.
ReplyDeletePS. Very impressed you were up and functioning at 7.30 in the morning!